Bring Our Jobs Home!


There are a few US companies that actually operate entirely within the US, but most outsource at least a portion of their operations to save money. The problem, of course, with this is that it reduces jobs here in the states and creates underpaid, overworked jobs overseas. But companies need to make a profit, right? And the more of a profit they make (presumably) the more they can expand and improve the business, thereby creating more job opportunities.

So what’s the solution?

I think the best way to fix this is to give tax breaks only to companies that operate solely and completely in the USA. Eliminate all tax breaks for companies that are outsourcing. Maybe if the companies see that they save more by opening plants and factories here, they will bring the jobs back, and our countries’ economy will improve. Government funds would improve if businesses have to pay all of their taxes. We may have to work on the offshore account loopholes, though to make them pay all of them.

If we want to really hammer this opportunity home to company execs, we could even go to the extreme of eliminating taxes altogether for all US operating corporations. At least for a limited time, for example, if a company can show that they only employ US citizens in the US, within one year of the law going into effect, all taxes are eliminated. If they can do this within two years, taxes are reduced by half, etc.

Let’s use the ridiculous amount of taxes that are being paid these days to our advantage, for once. let’s bring jobs home and cut unemployment down. let’s bring back the days of prosperity and good old-fashioned American craftsmanship. Let’s end the days of cheap Chinese junk.